Dr. Phil Asks Top Mold Inspection Company, Mold Inspection Sciences, to Investigate a Guest’s Mold Problem

When a wife claims to be allergic to everything including her husband, there is something wrong.
Meet Dr. Phil guests Debbie and her husband of 35 years, Kelly.
This couple has been living in their current home for about six years now. Four years ago Kelly started noticing a change in his wife's behaviors that has since turned in to an obsessive condition where she is claiming to be allergic to everything. Debbie insists on extreme precautions like taping the AC vents, storing her clothes in sealed bags, and washing dishes in the swimming pool. She demands a separate door of entry to the family home that no one else can use and even insists her husband to strip down before entering the house and then immediately shower upon entry.
During the taping of this episode, Dr. Phil reached out to Mold Inspection Sciences to do a full mold inspection of the couple’s home to help determine if there were indeed allergens affecting Debbie. You won’t believe what we found.